American Foreign Policy

American Foreign Policy PS 123/PACS 130
Spring 2003
Monday and Wednesday 4-5:30
4 LeConte
Professor Crawford
202 Moses Hall
Office Hours: M 10-11:30


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lecture outlines

statement on Plagiarism



I. The Liberal Internationalist
A. The Four Hallmarks of Liberal Internationalism
B. Two Objectives of Grand Strategy
1. Preserve the Democratic “core”
2. Expand membership in the democratic core
C. Choose democracy over stability
D. Choose multilateralism over unilateralism

II. The Conservative Internationalist
A. Four Hallmarks of Conservative Internationalism
B. Greatest Threats and what to do about them
C. Don’t let multilateralism tie us down

III. Conservative Isolationist
A. Four Hallmarks of the Conservative Isolationist
B. Short-term challenges
C. Long-term strategic tasks
1. encourage regional power balances
2. control the Western Hemisphere
D. A three-fold strategy
1. Increase Internal Secruity
2. No Pre-emptive War if Possible
3. Develop a National Missile Defense

IV. Liberal Isolationist
A. Four Hallmarks of Liberal Isolationism
B. American Exceptionalism in the 21st Century
C. Recognize limitations of Military power
D. Protect Democracy at home
E. A three-fold strategy:
1. show restraint, don’t dominate, do debate and cooperate
2. Reduce commitments
3. Lead by example