Relief services' resources - Europe

Note: This page is frequently updated. It is by no means complete.

This page focuses on Facebook groups and websites of NGOs, volunteer groups, and programs providing relief services to refugees in Europe. Links to Facebook and/or websites are just below the organizations' descriptions. Descriptions are from their Facebook page and/or website, unless noted. These are general relief services - shelter, food, clothing, and more. For specific types of services, visit other pages on this site.

Quick links


Logo for the Asylum Protection Center
Asylum Protection Center/Center for the Protection of Asylum (APC/CZA)
is humanitarian organization which provides legal, psychological, social, and humanitarian and integration help. It also provides protection to asylum seekers, exiles, refugees and to anyone else who is in trouble due to migration. If you get yourself in situation that you are being tortured, maltreated, physically abused, psychologically abused or being discriminated based on your race, skin colour, gender, language or religion, call us!

Inform us if you are also being a victim of physical abuse, sexual abuse or money fraud which was done either by individuals or governmental employees. We have entire team of people who have long experience in the field of asylum seeking procedure, exile and refugee crisis, who are at your disposal and who may help you in your current situation. Our team is made of: lawyers, advocates, psychologists, pedagogues, specialists in political sciences, social workers and translators

Note. What other organizations have flagged as most useful about this app is how current and accurate their information is.

Facebook [The original is in Serbian, but can be translated.]
Website [The original is in Serbian, but can be translated.]
App [The title is in "Asylum in Serbia," but the news and updates are for the Balkan route in general. The app is in Arabic and Farsi.]

Logo for Borderfree Association
Borderfree Association
Humanitarian Club The Club '' border free association '' was gegrü with the aim of pooling the humanitarian commitment friend. The origin of the commitment lies with the spontaten relief, which takes care of the current refugee situation in the Balkans. The association supports humanitarian projects and processes in terms of sustainable coordination of existing and future projects. At the same time the club is important to respect during the projects flora and fauna. The Association has no religious-nationalist agenda and everyone has the right, regardless of gender, color, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, . participate membership of a national minority or assets The association represents humanitarian values ​​such as respect, tolerance, openness and freedom of movement for all and with its involvement secure a decent life for all.  [Translated from German.]


Logo for Can't Do Nothingd
Can't Do Nothing
Millions of refugees seek the one thing you might be taking for granted: a home. The #cantdonothing Campaign provides simple ways for you to help.


Logo for the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
The European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) is a pan-European alliance of 90 NGOs protecting and advancing the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons. Our mission is to promote the establishment of fair and humane European asylum policies and practices in accordance with international human rights law.

Working together with our members and partners to inform and persuade European authorities and the public, we monitor and denounce human rights violations while proposing and promoting fair and effective durable solutions. We accomplish our mission through research, advocacy and the sharing of knowledge and expertise.


FairCoop Refugees Fund
This fund will focus on helping autonomous and self-managed projects involving refugees and solving their need to retain full control over the decisions made in their lives. For example new settlements, and the creation of productive and holistic initiatives with which they can fulfill their material and immaterial needs on a daily basis, while offering something useful to the society in which they find themselves.

Cooperative working initiatives can also be included, giving the newcomers an opportunity to become self-employed, beyond the control of states over their right to work. And of course grassroots solidarity movements who work on an open and participative basis can apply for their costs to be covered.

This proposal is also intended for those who have undergone forced displacement for economic and environmental reasons, and includes stateless people who are in the difficult situation of having no rights because of the behavior of their countries of origin or third countries that don’t recognize them as citizens.

The goal of this proposal is to get at least 500,000 Faircoins (the minimum amount to create a fund in FairCoop) towards the needs of refugees today in the world.


Logo for First Contact
First Contact is an European-wide solution for the information lack refugees are facing when entering the EU. We focus on providing important information and bridging the language gap for refugees via our Webpage, Facebook and local volunteers. Transparency is the key to more efficient processes for local authorities and empowerment of refugees.

Note. This site, available in English, Arabic, and Pashto, is updated frequently.


Logo for Help Refugees
Help Refugees works fast to send aid & assistance to refugees across Europe. The help we provide includes basic aid (food/clothes), sanitation, medical aid, volunteer support, shelters, search & rescue and outreach work.


Logo for HOAXmap
HOAXmap arose from the desire to bring order to the plurality of scattered rumors and facilitate the deconstruction selbiger. All "resolutions" are extracted and linked mainstream media. If no date is listed for each incident, the date of the article was taken. In the few cases where no specific location was indicated, the capital of the council or state has been adopted. In the collection also some rumors emerge that do not directly relate to asylum seekers. Firstly, some cases have been taken up with rumors of people with "southern appearance" or "not a German accent". This kind of description is currently often associated with fugitives. Secondly, also alleged crimes or repressive measures are listed against participants racist demonstrations. These have been included because they also reinforce the narrative of opinion repression and the worldview of rumors storytellers. [Translated from the original German.]

Note. This site is searchable.


Logo for InfoMigrants
InfoMigrants is a news and information site for migrants at every point of their journey: in their country of origin, along the route, or in the places where they hope to start a new life. InfoMigrants is available in three languages: French, Arabic and English.

Migration is not new. People have always travelled in search of a better future. Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict in 2011, Europe has been faced with a migration crisis of historic proportions. Each week, thousands of people continue to risk their lives to reach European shores. How to address this influx remains a divisive issue.

Providing verified, reliable news

There is consensus about one idea, however: migrants are in need of verified and balanced information, which is often difficult for them to access during their journey. Even before they leave their homes, migrants are exposed to a proliferation of poor and unreliable information. Studies show that the majority of migrants receive most of their information from human traffickers and smugglers, who seek to mislead and manipulate them.

A partnership between three major news sources

InfoMigrants is a collaboration led by three major European media sources: France Médias Monde (France 24, Radio France International, Monte Carlo Doualiya), Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s international broadcaster, and the Italian press agency ANSA. InfoMigrants is co-financed by the European Union.


Logo for InterEuropean Human Aid Association
InterEuropean Human Aid Association (IHA)
Thousands of people are on their difficult journey to Europe. They desperately need our help. The mission of InterEuropean Human Aid Association (IHA) is, on their journey quickly and efficiently to afford refugees protection and assistance - with a team of volunteers, in close cooperation with NGOs, directly in the forming refugee camps at the EU's external borders.


Logo for Mapfugees
Mapping requires an awareness of surroundings, analysis of infrastructure, identification of needs and detailed, accurate work. All these qualities are essential to start a new life, no matter which country and profession. To reactivate these abilities and evoke potential under such difficult circumstances, to create a sense of togetherness and foster self-reliance seems like an incredible chance to ease integration into a new society.

They should be given this chance.

Why map refugee camps?

Informal as well as official refugee camps are evolving into semi-permanent yet continuously changing home for thousands of people, with a variable number of new arrivals and departures. The current infrastructure and facilities are a joint achievement of the camp community, volunteers and NGOs. Residents attend classes at school, do their shopping, get together in restaurants and listen to music in the camp theatre. They see their doctor, line up at the distribution points and pray in their places of worship. But there is no publicly accessible repository of this information. The existing maps from NGOs and public facilities are customized for specific purposes which don't necessarily align with the perception and needs of the camp residents. These needs include street names, signposting and rapid updates of free wifi hotspots and mobile charging stations.

We put these camps on the map.


Logo for News That MovesLogo for the News That Moves website
News That Moves - News for People traveling the Balkan Route to Europe [in English, Arabic, Farsi, and Greek]
We are news and information for travelers across the Balkans through to the borders of Europe are available in Arabic, Persian, English and Greek. We hope to provide you with the information about safety and knowledge of what is going on during the trip. Please visit our website and use the link to ask any questions and tell us what you need to know from the border and asylum laws, registration, transportation, services and more. We will do our best to get that information. [Translated from Arabic.]

Note. Information for Greece, Germany, and Austria is included.


Logo for No Borders Network
No Borders Network
No human being is illegal 


Logo for Refugee Aid News and Need
Refugee Aid News & Need
Connecting hands to help ♥

Also follow our map for an overview over the need and the teams working to help the refugees.

Website (map)

Logo for Refugee Air

Refugee Air is an initiative aimed at enabling refugees to safely travel into the EU.


Logo for Refugee Hero
Refugee Hero is a – mobile friendly – website with similar functionality to Airbnb. Heroes post a listing to accommodate a refugee. Listings can come from private heroes or from organizations opening up their facilities; such as churches, mosques, schools and universities. Refugees can directly access their data to make an appointment or the volunteers and government officials responsible can use Refugee Hero as an intermediary.

[This site provides detailed informational how-tos for refugees arriving in Europe. The user selects a language -- English, Greek, Arabic, or Farsi -- and then selects a country, an area, or a city from a map. This is a collaborative effort of, the International Rescue Committee, Mercy Corps, Save the Children, the Disaster Tech Lab, and NetHope.

[Originally the name was Crisis Info Hub.]


Logo for Refugee Rights on the Road (RROR) - Forgotten in Idomeni
Refugee Rights on the Road (RROR) -- Forgotten in Idomeni
Mobile unit with up to date info for people travelling through Europe. Offering free WiFi, phone charging and phone loan.


Logo for Refugee Routes
Refugee Routes

Note. This multilingual site contains information about boat safety, legal concerns, women and children, smugglers killing refugees, the Syria-Turkey border, and European agencies.


Logo for Refugee Text
Refugee Text works with trusted organisations to deliver the most critical information refugees need, in their own language [in English and Arabic, using chatbots]. We are currently testing a service in Europe to deliver information on the Dublin regulation, applying for asylum, general advice and helpful contacts. This test includes information on Sweden, Denmark and Germany. The full scale service will include information on additional European countries. Message "hi" to this page to use the service.


Logo for Refugee Youth Services
Refugee Youth Service is a charity which was created with the aim of supporting 12 - 18 year old young people living in the unofficial refugee Camp in Calais sometimes called the Jungle. Since the demolition of the camp in November 2016, RYS has expanded its work on three fronts:

Calais, France: RYS has remained in Northern France supporting services on the ground in developing correct child protection procedures. At present, RYS is working alongside L'Auberge des Migrants in the Calais region to create a mobile youth service offering legal advice, psychological support and child protective services for the vulnerable young people still living there.

Ventimiglia, Italy: RYS is working alongside Intersos to engage with the most vulnerable unaccompanied children on the move through Ventimiglia, North Italy. We are developing a safe space for children which will incorporate legal and psychological services. This will then support the monitoring and child protection systems which will help keep children safe who are moving across Europe.


Trace the Face - Migrants in Europe - Restoring Family Links
Every year, National Red Cross or Red Crescent Societies are contacted by hundreds of families who have lost contact with to their relatives somewhere within or on their way to Europe. 

The Tracing Services of the National Societies try to help these families to find their family members. 

However, the search is often difficult, because for example:

Now, the Restoring Family Links Network would like to give families the chance to look for their loved ones in an active way: families can have their photo published on our website or on Red Cross posters in several countries in Europe

The publication of photos will give family members the possibility to contact a Red Cross office and to get in contact with their family who tries to find them.


Logo for United Rescues
United Rescues
The intent of our organisation is to help those who flee war and poverty to seek refuge in Europe.

Over 2000 refugees have died in the Mediterranean sea just this year. And those who reach land may get lost, suffer from lack of food and water, be injured and so on.

At this point there are no legal ways to Europe, there is no way to seek asylum from abroad. This is why more and more people risk their lives on sea. This is why smugglers can put too many people in too small boats.

Until we have legal ways to seek asylum in Europe and until the conflict in Syria is resolved, until people stop fleeing Eritrea, Nigeria and other countries, we need to make sure that those who flee reaches the shores of Europe to use their human right of asking for asylum and refuge. Join us to help!


Logo for Welcome to Europe
Welcome to Europe provides information to refugees and migrants that might be useful on their journey to and through Europe. We want to give access to counseling and useful contacts in different european countries.

From the very start at the outer borders of Europe, many forces are going in an inhuman direction: people are refused entry, are imprisoned and deported. Nevertheless they are coming - challenging the migration regime. And there are movements supporting them in their struggle for a better life.

"I can see clearly now what Europe looks like, that it sends its armies to fight us at the sea and puts us in awful prisons. Together we have to start a second journey to another safe place that might exist in the future." (Eritrean woman, arriving on the island of Lesvos)

We welcome all travellers on their difficult trip and wish all of them a good journey - because freedom of movement is everybody's right!


The Balkans and Hungary

Logo for I'm Human Organization
I'm Human Organization (iHo) is non-profit organization giving a hand to all refugees & people in need in the Balkans, located in Zajecar/Serbia on the Bulgarian-Serbian borders.

IHo is committed to urgent medical situations as well as first aid packages,

Located in Serbia and Macedonia.


Logo for International Relations for Peace
International Relations for Peace (IRPeace) is an European-based organisation. Our primary amd main task to support war refugees and those living in poverty. 

Presently our international network mainly focuses to support those war refugees, who are running away from Syria, Pakistan, Iraqe and from the other warm-torn territories to Europe, coordinating arriving donations from Hungary to Macedonia, Croatia with co-ordination centers in Budapest and Szeged.

International Relations for Peace is collecting donations to our international voluntary groups, who give helping hand refugees in Southern part of Europe: Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary. Refugees need food, water, medicines, blankets, tents, sanitary, warm clothes. In particular, we keep eye on children: they need diapers, baby food, juice, milk, fruit and warm clothes. Donations introduced on the South, Szeged-Röszke-Belgrade-Macedonia line for refugees who ar on their way to Europe. 

International Relations for Peace is independent form any political party affiliation. Our activities are based on humanitarian aid, regardless religion, nationality, gender, political party affiliation - and frontiers. 


Logo for Legis
Legis is a humanitarian Non-Profit Civil Society Organization that provides necessary humanitarian aid and assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, IDPs, irregular and detained migrants and people in need. We exist to protect life, alleviate suffering and oppression and ensure dignity, respect for human rights and social justice.

We provide assistance based on the needs of our target population, with respect of human rights, our principles and the principles of humanitarian work.

Our activities in the last two years are focused on response to the mixed migration flows in Macedonia, as LEGIS is the first NGO to provide organized response since 2014.


Logo for Refugee Aid Serbia
Refugee Aid Serbia

Helping refugees in Serbia who are trying to escape war.


Logo for Refugee Crisis in Hungary
Refugee Crisis in Hungary

Our aim is to create English publications about the refugee crisis currently happening in Hungary by translating Hungarian articles, interviews and reports, and creating our own content. In the international media, there’s a dire shortage of information beyond official government communication and next to no representation of realistic scenarios. We wish to fill this gap. We’d like to achieve for the whole world to have a deeper insight into the situation and to reveal the true weight of it.


Logo for SoulWelders
SoulWelders consists of highly experienced volunteers who have committed their time and personal resources to help those in need, whomever and wherever they may be.

SoulWelders do first response work supplying the people with hardware needed here and now, to make life bearable.
The team has highly skilled professionals that can manufacture anything from nothing, great personalities with big hearts.
If you are a competent craftsman who wants to do good and help us out, we need you! Come join us as a volunteer and help us give people hope and warmth.

Note. Their current work is in Serbia.


Logo for WAHA Balkan
WAHA Balkan is ensuring that women and children are provided with essential medical care as well as nutritional and hygiene support for their children.



Refugees Welcome Belgium
Nous montrons notre solidarité avec ceux qui cherchent une vie meilleure chez nous... Refugees Welcome est une initiative citoyenne lancée par des associations souhaitant offrir la possibilité aux citoyens d’exprimer leur solidarité et d’agir concrètement pour répondre à l’inertie de nos gouvernements face aux drames rencontrés par les migrants en Europe.

Ces associations sont - Deze organisaties zijn Amnesty International, le CIRE, le CNCD, la Ligue des Droits de l’Homme, Médecins du Monde, le Réseau Wallon de Lutte contre la Pauvreté, Hart boven Hart,11.11.11.


Logo for We Can Help
We Can Help est une plateforme qui centralise les offres des citoyens qui souhaitent participer à l'élan de solidarité face à la détresse humaine. [WeCanHelp is a platform collecting offers from citizens, companies and associations wishing to take part in the solidarity drive... we want to promote any pragmatic solutions to issues related to refugee integration, regardless of political, ideological or religious ties.]



Logo for Calais Action
Calais Action is a grassroots giving movement, supported by a network of volunteers who aim to provide support to those in Calais and Europe and raise awareness of the growing humanitarian crisis currently occurring.

In August 2015 Libby Freeman established the group to support the growing refugee crisis in mainland Europe.

Returning from her first visit to Calais to take donations to 'The Jungle' Libby felt more needed to be done to support the growing refugee crisis and so Calais Action was founded. 

We have received extensive support from the international media including; The Guardian, TIME, ITV News, Grazia Magazine, BBC World News, CBC, This Morning, BBC2, London Live, The One Show, Al Jazeera.


Logo for Calais People-to-People Solidarity - Action from UK
Calais People-to-People Solidarity -- Action from UK
is an informal group of individuals, with different backgrounds or opinions, mainly based in UK who decides daily to keep on working together in order to tackle the humanitarian crisis in Calais and surrounding.


L'Auberge des Migrants est une association de type loi 1901, indépendante de toute religion et de tout mouvement politique. 

Son but est : 

- d'assister matériellement (notamment du point de vue alimentaire), moralement et juridiquement, par tous les moyens dont elle dispose, toute personne en difficulté lors de son passage dans le calaisis, et cela gratuitement.
- toute action visant à améliorer la situation des migrants.
- de soutenir juridiquement tout membre de l'association.

Note. English translation available through Bing.


Logo for Refugee Info Bus
Refugee Info Bus
provides access to technology and legal resources to refugees in north France. We believe that access to information that is already freely available will help refugees better understand their situation in Europe and aid in individuals making informed decisions about their own future.

The Refugee Info Bus provides free internet access, facilitate the work of asylum lawyers and other groups, and provide multilingual legal information on all EU countries and the rights of refugees.



Logo for Arriving in Berlin
Arriving in Berlin - A Guide for Newcomers
What does it mean to be a newcomer in Berlin? What does it mean to be a newcomer and a refugee in Berlin? These questions are the starting point for the collective mapping project “Arriving in Berlin” –  researched and developed by Hamidullah Ehrari, Mohammad Yari, Farhad Ramazanali, Alhadi Aldebs, residents of Haus Leo, in cooperation with Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.

The map is especially meant to support refugees in answering question like: Where in Berlin do I find free counseling services for refugees? Where can I attend free German classes? Where can I find a doctor who speaks Farsi? Where do I find a library to read, study or have access to the Internet?

It has been developed collectively over the course of several months, during workshops, conversations and reflections, translated into EnglishArabic and Farsi, and published online, using an open source mapping tool. The “content” of the maps is based on both the personal experience of the working group as well as pro-active research.


Logo for Bureaucrazy
We as a team of newcomers will help as hard as we can to understand the paper work and bureaucracy in Germany. Hope you a nice start.


Logo for Chios Peoples Kitchen
Chios Peoples Kitchen
Formerly known as the People's Street Kitchen on Chios, in mid January 2017 the kitchen transitioned into being a kitchen fully run by a dedicated team of refugees living on Chios Island. In light of the new phase of the kitchen we changed our name to the Chios People's Kitchen, and now the team spends their time preparing delicious vegan meals for refugee children and toddlers, as well as creatively seeking other opportunities to help more people in need.

Most importantly, this initiative is more than just preparing meals for others. It’s a place of empowerment for the refugees who volunteer here and is also a positive example for the wider community to see how refugees can live and work alongside locals peacefully, harmoniously and successfully.


Logo for Germany Guide for Refugees
Germany Guide for Refugees

Note. This multilingual guide includes informational articles, resources, first-person stories, and tips for refugees in Germany.


Logo for GoVolunteer
wants to make refugee assistance simple and accessible to everyone, so that more people can help.Together we can achieve a lot!


Refugees are very limited in terms of activities and - due to bureaucratic hurdles - they often struggle to start employment or to enroll at university and are very dependent on help from others. The project Volunteergration shall encourage refugees to commit time for social projects allowing them to engage in meaningful activities that transform them from those receiving aid to those giving support.


Logo for Wefugees
Wefugees - community without borders is a Q & A community and a meeting point for refugees, volunteers and organizations. 

On they can give support to each other and share information not only concerning legal matters and asylum proceedings, but also taking into account aspects of daily life such as culture, sports activities or good Halal food.

„I would love to help but I don’t have enough time to do so“. This answer is simply not acceptable. No matter if you are at home, sitting on the couch, on the train or having your lunch break; on Wefugee anyone can answer questions and give support to others at any time.

Understanding and tolerance must be built up through both sides. This is what we want to achieve with Wefugee. Our main aim is to promote integration through communication between refugees and locals in order to bring them closer.

Together we can improve the situation of thousands of refugees so that they can easily continue with their lives here. We need your knowledge, which you can share on our platform!



Logo for bE1human
We are a newly formed Non-Governmental Organisation, comprised of former volunteers of gates E1 and Stonewarehouse of Port of Piraeus, which received the largest number of refugees since the beginning of the crisis. The idea was born from our daily interaction with single people of all ages. Together, we realised that there was a huge gap from both the state and the NGOs regarding the needs and the problems these people are facing. Hence, we decided to join forces in order to support and aid single people, regardless of their race, colour,religion...


Logo for Do Your Part
Do Your Part Disaster Response is committed to doing our part to assist in the first response, relief, and long-term recovery needs of communities during and in the aftermath of disasters, natural, or man-made. Do Your Part works diligently with survivors to help them regain self sufficiency, sustainability and confidence. We maintain a grassroots approach to better assist the masses, and in 'peace time' work passionately to involve communities and individuals to prepare for disaster and to adopt the Pay It Forward concept.

Note: Do Your Part is US-based, but has refugee assistance projects in Greece.


Logo for Echo100Plus
We are a group of women with a strong relation to Greece who, in 2012, founded “Echo100Plus” in Vienna, Austria. We established our organisation in order to support our neighbours in need. Our goal is to support sustainable, functioning, non-governmental social projects in Greece that currently do not receive enough support due to the current catastrophic economic situation in the country.

In face of the rapidly worsening refugee crisis, we have made it our main priority to support on-site organisations dealing with this adversity. Increasing numbers of refugees are arriving on the Greek coasts daily, making existing resources, volunteers and space increasingly scarce on many of the affected islands. 


Logo for foodKIND
People are often left with no other option but to risk everything and flee with the hope of finding somewhere safe, secure and stable for them and their families to settle. 

However, it is not an easy journey to make and that’s why FoodKIND intends to be there!

With the number of refugees and displaced people continually rising, the conditions in and around the refugee camps, detention centres and key routes are rapidly deteriorating with people struggling to fulfil their basic human needs. One of the biggest issues faced is the lack of consistent and sufficient food supply in these areas. 

At FoodKIND, our aim is to fill that gap and provide as many meals as possible to those who no longer have the option to provide for themselves. 

Our work is mission based, focusing on the provision and distribution of food in areas where there are large concentrations of refugees and displaced people and where there is a significant absence of consistent and sufficient food supply.


Forgotten in Idomeni
Only Syrian, Afghani, and Iraqi refugees are being allowed to the Greek border to FYROM. Thousands are stranded at Idomeni. Updates from volunteers.


Logo for the Get Shit Done Team
The Get Shit Done Team
The team started with a mobile workshop to build sun shades, drainage, flood prevention, community spaces in refugee camps in Northern Greece. 

They now operate from The Help Refugees Greece Warehouse in Thessaloniki. They also support food distribution, clothing and other items to make refugees' lives better. With the help of volunteers they've created temporary stoves made from car rims, flooring for the tents and bikes which increase mobility. 

​Now that the borders are closed in Northern Greece the majority of refugees are stuck and waiting for deployment to other counties. This can take years or months, so it's important that we help these vulnerable people while they're in limbo. 


Logo from Greek Forum of Refugees (GFR)
Greek Forum of Refugees (GFR)
was founded in 2010. The aim of the GFR is to create a sustainable structure that will unite all refugees living in Greece through the implementation of a collaborative program of action, helping in this way to the difficult and lengthy process of obtaining asylum and defending the rights of refugees and smooth integration into Greek society. Central idea of establishing the GFR is that none of this can be achieved without the participation of the target group, the refugees.

Members can be organized in groups, recognized by statute or informal , and individual refugees and asylum seekers can register as associate members with the right to participate and making decisions concerning administrative and organizational needs based on the GFR voluntary help.

The duty of every state is to protect its citizens and ensure their fundamental rights. Where this requirement is not met, the citizens of a state are forced to become refugees to seek asylum in one of the states that have ratified the Geneva Convention (including Greece to 3989 / 1959 ) , and the State is required to provide protection. Also , according to the text of the Convention the host hasn't the right to deport refugees back to areas where they are at risk , nor to discriminate between different groups of refugees.

According to the Geneva Convention " ... anyone who is a refugee because well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion , nationality , membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of origin and is unable or owing to such fear is unwilling to subject to the protection of that country..."

The rights of refugees including asylum, security , respect for physical integrity and social and economic rights equivalent to those of citizens of the host country . Obligation of refugees is to respect and observe the laws of the host state.

In Greece, among those who collectively termed derogatory and "irregular immigrants" there are many who come from countries that are at war because of military operations or civil war (e.g,, Syria, Iraq , Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan ) or authoritarian regime (e.g., Iran) , are by definition refugees . Beyond the moral and humanitarian obligation of the international community and Greece for their support, these people are protected for a network of international conventions and Greek laws. On this basis, it is seamless entry to the country who wish to seek asylum, access to the asylum procedure, the fair examination of the asylum application , providing shelter , food and medical care, as well as the work permit and the granting of benefits. Greece lags and delays with respect to its obligations.


Logo for The Home Project
The HOME Project
is a non-profit organization set up to address the needs of refugee and child migrants, who arrive in Greece alone. We move children from the streets, camps, police stations, detention centers and bring them to the safety of our HOMES, where they receive support, protection and social integration services.

We are operating five HOMES where more than 100 children receive a holistic network of services covering food, shelter, material, medical, psychosocial, and legal, support. All kids obtain immediate access to education and training.

At the heart of this disaster is the little told story of the children, refugees who have been ripped from their homelands through violence and war, and who seek the basic security which most of us take for granted. Over half of the displaced population are children. Many of them are unaccompanied, alone, forced to fend for themselves and at risk of danger. This number continues to increase and with border closures they are now stranded in Greece. Thousands of children are without parents, family or any kind of guardian and urgently need support.

These children are scattered around the refugee camps, police stations and detention centres. The living conditions are horrific and inhumane. Through no fault of their own, these children are the innocent victims of this crisis. They flee from violence only to find it again at a European border. They are the silent heart of this disaster.

The HOME Project exists to bring these people to safe haven. It provides security, dignity and decent living conditions for the most vulnerable. It serves to recognize our common humanity and to do something for those who need it most. At the HOME Project, we Help, Overcome, Motivate, Empower. Together we hope to build a better future.


Logo for Humanity Crew
Humanity Crew
We are an organization of enthusiastic volunteers from all over the world.
نحن منظمة أغاثة مكونة من متطوعين ومتطوعات من كل انحاء العالم.

Our VISION is to connect volunteers with communities from current and future war zones, or natural disaster areas, around the world.

Our current MISSION is to coordinate and provide professional emergency relief to Syrian, Iraqi and other refugees arriving in the Greek islands, to save lives and speed their recovery process.

While volunteering for three weeks in Lesvos, we noticed the acute need for emergency doctors, nurses and medics on the beaches; as well as a pressing shortage of potentially life-saving medical equipment. While certain shores are equipped and staffed, others are unfortunately left unattended. Refugee lives of all ages are currently being lost, which otherwise might be saved. The children, in particular, remain among the most vulnerable.

Our coordination with existing organizations has enabled us to determine precisely where such professional help is mostly urgently required. In addition, there is an urgent demand for Arabic-speaking psychologists and social workers to accompany the refugees’ families, with a particular focus on those who have lost family members and loved ones during their ordeal.


Logo for Humans 4 Humanity
Humans for Humanity is a non-profit organization which provides emergency relief and immediate aid to underserved and vulnerable refugees in Greece.


Logo for I AM YOU
I AM YOU is an international organization operating in refugee camps in Greece. Our mission is to protect human rights and make the lives of displaced men, women and children better. We envision a world where all people fleeing war, conflict and disaster are treated with dignity, compassion  and respect. We strive to create change through humanitari an programs focusing on education,  youth activities and expressive  arts. We also provide camp management  services and conduct global advocacy work to raise awareness.

Documentary film about their work

Logo for InterVolve
InterVolve is an independent, Greek NGO providing aid and assistance to refugees in Greece, mainly in camp Softex, a military run camp outside Thessaloniki. We are comprised of International volunteers and funded by donations from private individuals and larger NGOs. Our aim is to provide assistance to people based on need regardless of religion, race or political affiliation.

Our main function is to distribute essential items to our community members, this includes clothes, shoes, hygiene products and food as well as other essentials. We also provide a wide range of activities which are catered to the needs of our community members.


Logo for Lighthouse Relief
Lighthouse Relief is a Swedish NGO with a branch based in Greece, registered as the Greek NGO Lighthouse Relief Hellas. We are operating with skilled volunteers from all over the world. We provide relief to refugees that are stranded in mainland Greece and those still arriving on the Greek island of Lesvos. On Lesvos, we also support the local residents in restoring their beautiful island through our Lighthouse ECO Relief clean-up project.


Logo for Melissa Network
Melissa Network is a network for migrant women in Greece, promoting empowerment, communication and active citizenship.


Logo for METAdrasi
METAdrasi is an organization of Civil Society founded in 2010 with the primary aim to cover long-standing gaps in the reception and integration of refugees and migrants in Greece. METAdrasi specializes in the sector of interpretation services and intercultural mediation as well as the protection of the rights of unaccompanied minors and persons entitled to international protection.

METAdrasi is the only organization in Greece that has developed and implemented a curriculum for the training, certification and coordination of interpreters. Interpretation is provided both in the field and via a teleconference system, in 33 languages and dialects.

METAdrasi has also developed key innovative initiatives that make up a safety network for unaccompanied children in Greece: Escorting missions from detention centers to suitable accommodation facilities throughout Greece, Guardianship, Foster Care and Transit Accommodation Facilities in Lesvos, Samos, Chios, Athens and Thessaloniki.

In the same time, METAdrasi offers legal aid to persons entitled to international protection, through locally established lawyers in the islands of Lesvos, Samos, Chios, Leros and Kos as well as greek language courses, specifically designed for the needs of the target group.


Logo for Operation Refugee Child
Operation Refugee Child (ORC) distributes backpacks filled with basic necessities to bring comfort, health, safety and warmth to refugee children and families who have left everything behind. In October 2015, two American mothers of Middle-Eastern descent felt compelled to do something about the refugee crisis; they decided to bring refugee children backpacks full of supplies that would provide comfort, safety, health and warmth for the journey to asylum. They planned to raise money to distribute 300 backpacks, but were filled with gratitude when thousands of people all over the world pledged funds to help refugee children. Thanks to their support and the work of our volunteers, Operation Refugee Child will distribute 10,000 backpacks this year. We wish refugee families good luck and hope our backpacks help their journey. For questions or comments please contact

Note: ORC works in Greece, Jordan, and the US.


Logo for Project Clothes
Project Clothes' aim is to provide the people living in refugee camps all over Northern Greece with clothes and shoes, offering a mobile shop in a truck filled with items, so that every person can choose the proper sizes and their individual style.


Team Bananas is a collective of volunteers from all over the world who have gone to the Aegean to help with the crisis that has been inflicted on people fleeing from war.

Over fifty thousand people, many of them children, are trapped in Greece.

Starting with 4 boxes of bananas (400 bananas) in the beginning of March, Team Bananas was providing the children of Idomeni around 4,500 children with a nutritious breakfast everyday. When Idomeni was shut down refugee camps were set up in the remote areas around Thessaloniki. Team Bananas went from supplying bananas in 3 camps to 10 camps. Our primary focus remained children, pregnant / breastfeeding women.

While the state and international NGOs in Greece are providing the basic needs for the refugees, they receive no other forms of aid. Therefore, Team Bananas is now providing other essentials such as personal hygiene products, mosquito nets, bedding, rice, oil, vegetables and other necessities. Team Bananas also continues to supply bananas to the transient homeless refugees who are too frightened of deportation or have left deplorable conditions of existing camps. Bananas are packed with nutrients, are easy to eat, are filling and don't need washing. 


Logo for Truck Stop
Truck Stop
Our aim is to provide the people living in refugee camps all over Northern Greece with clothes and shoes, offering a mobile shop in a truck filled with items, so that every person can choose the proper sizes and their individual style. We are running a warehouse in Thessaloniki/Nea Magnisia, collecting, sorting, packing and sending out donations to other organizations, individuals and groups.



Logo for the Athens News Agency/Macedonian Press Agency - ANAMPA
The Athens News Agency/Macedonian News Agency
The Greek national news service ANA-MPA has launched a free news and information website in Arabic dedicated to asylum seekers and refugees.

The site includes news, maps, useful tips, links, guidelines and announcements for Arabic-speaking refugees issued by the Greek Coordinating Body for Refugees.

The website is mobile and tablet-compatible.

Note. ANAMPA is also available in Greek, English, and Turkish.


Logo for Earth Refugee
Earth Refugee
In late February 2016, when the borders of Greece to the north were closing, Organization Earth moved a team of its personnel to the Port of Piraeus to help coordinate the efforts in the makeshift refugee camp. By early March we were responsible for most of the cooking in the entire Port, preparing more than 110.000 fresh meals on-site during our 60 day presence. We were co-responsible for the day-to-day operation of Gate E2, a 1500 person refugee transit center, including the coordination of its volunteers, procuring supplies and offering proper accommodation in hotels and private homes for vulnerable cases (pregnant women, the elderly, etc). 

The Port of Piraeus has since closed but Earth Refugee has continued its efforts. It now operates in three Refugee Sites in Athens and surrounding areas, as well as our office in downtown Athens, collaborating with Greek authorities, international and local NGOs, independent volunteers, and camp residents. Earth Refugee is the latest initiative of Organization Earth, consisting of basic but often overlooked adaptation, integration and developmental tools and services for refugees.


Logo for Hope Cafe - Refugee Soul Food
Hope Cafe - Refugee Soul Food's primary function is to feed the hungry in Athens, particularly in response to the need of nutritious meals for those unable to support themselves.


Logo for Immigrant and Refugee Support in Greece
Immigrant and Refugee Support in Greece
This group is to coordinate the help provided to refugees in Athens. We give orientation to volunteers as well as refugees regarding the NGOs, squats and camps in Athens and its suburbs (Attica region).


Logo for Ithaca Laundry
Ithaca Laundry
Every night in Athens around 17,000 people sleep in streets, parks, abandoned buildings or in insecure conditions. Homeless people lack basic human needs, such as food, medical care, job opportunities and sanitation, and face fierce social isolation.

We came up with the idea of creating a mobile laundry for homeless people in the area of central Athens. This idea is simple but yet very meaningful for homeless people. Many of them have ranked the need for cleanliness higher than the need for food.

Our vision is to help increase homeless people respect. This project will offer free laundry services to the homeless which will raise their health standards, reduce some of their strain and increase their self-esteem and dignity. This simple project aims to be a small but important step in the race to diminish the social exclusion of homeless people.


Logo for Khora
Khora is a co-operative foundation offering on-going compassionate support for refugees stuck in Athens and the surrounding area. The term Khora has its origins in ancient Greek philosophy. It can be described as a 'placeless place', a space in which borders cease to exist, in which all people are thus free. We believe all humans are equal and deserve equal care and rights. Our efforts include food, sanitation, language skills, asylum casework, and social work

We are a collective of individuals who met on Lesvos while working with Skipchen and Better Days For Moria and have decided to bring our skills together in order to create Khora. As a group our skillset is wide ranging. We are chefs, architects, social workers, writers and IT technicians, and have training and experience in international development, mental health, support work and teaching. As individuals we have been on the ground since the refugee crisis escalated in 2015 and have provided solutions to the changing refugee situation in Calais, Serbia, Lesvos and Athens. 

We work across the board with many different groups and organisations, believing this is the most effective way to channel resources to where they are needed.


Logo for Movement on the Ground
Movement on the Ground
Currently active on Lesvos and in Athens supporting the camps with infrastructure, food and schooling.



Logo for Project Elea
Project Elea consists of a group of International volunteers from around the world, who have come together to help improve the living conditions and time usage of the refugees and migrants who are being hosted at the ELEONAS Camp in Athens, Greece. Approved by the Greek Ministry of Migration, Project Elea will work as an independent team assigned, with providing specific services, improving processes and setting-up a variety of new structures. Eleonas is an open government-run centre, meaning that the refugees residing there are free to enter and exit as they wish but access is restricted to outsiders. The population currently stands at 2400 people of various nationalities. Their basic needs in terms of security, housing, food and medical attention are provided for by the Greek authorities and some of the large NGOs, but otherwise there are dramatic needs that our team will attempt to cover, particularly in the following areas:

- infrastructure improvements
- food distribution 
- clothing distribution
- creative engagement
- sports
- playground & activities for children
- culture centre
- skill-sharing workshops
- waste management & recycling

These are the areas that Project Elea aims to focus on initially; later on, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and other actors, we will possibly take a role in facilitating the education of children while one of our long-term objectives is to set-up an industrial kitchen onsite to prepare food of higher quality for the whole community, encouraging the direct involvement of refugees in the production of meals closer to their culinary traditions, thus ultimately replacing the meals presently provided by catering companies. By all indications, the refugees who are currently in Greece will be staying in the country for the medium-long term and taking this into consideration, our project is one without a defined timeline, we will be around as long as we are needed!

The main goal of Project Elea is to create a strong feeling of community and the guiding philosophy is to achieve this through the engagement and empowerment of the refugees, by seeking their active participation in all the different services and processes. Refugees should be allowed and even expected to contribute in the building of their own, new, community; in the process of significantly improving their living conditions, they will use their time in a productive and satisfying way ultimately feeling respected and integrated, both comfortable and proud to be living there. In the long run, the goal is for the community to become as self-sustainable as possible, instead of continuing to depend entirely on the help of the authorities and the volunteers.


Logo for Solidarity with Refugees in Greece
Solidarity with Refugees in Greece

The Self-organized Initiative of Solidarity with Refugees and Immigrants was formed and activated in Pedio tou Areos in Athens, where hundreds of refugees were concentrated, during the summer of 2015. From September until today, it hasn't stopped its persistent actions in Victoria Square and its whereabouts, a central square of the city where many refugees stay or pass by daily. From the beginning of October and henceforward, the Self-organized Initiative has become active in the island of Lesvos, creating in Skala Sikaminias a structure of solidarity, which is now supported by dozens of solidarity individuals and volunteers. 

We have no cooperation with any governmental institutions, we are individuals and groups united under the political demand for self-organisation and solidarity among the people.

The open meeting of the Self-organized Initiative of Solidarity with Refugees and Immigrants takes place every Monday at 19.00.

Self- organized Initiative of Solidarity with Refugees and Immigrants 
Dervenion 56, Exarchia, Athens.


Logo for Zaatar
Located in Athens, Zaatar assists the displaced population of refugees in Europe through a focus on unaccompanied minors and other vulnerable refugees such as single mothers.

Our name is inspired by that of a wonderful mix of herbs from the Middle East that is enjoyed by many. Just as the herbs combine together with a complementary result, we believe that people with various backgrounds, skills, and interests can too.

United, with volunteers from around the world, our collective goal is to assist those refugees who are searching for peace and freedom



Cover image for American Volunteers for Lesvos
American Volunteers for Lesvos
Lesvos Island is currently facing a tremendous influx of refugees seeking asylum in Europe as the island is one of the main entry points for the refugees. Given the large number of people arriving, resources and manpower become quickly expended. The purpose of this group is to establish a network and communication for any U.S. based volunteer or organization that is currently in Lesvos or will be traveling to Lesvos helping with the influx of refugees. This group will hopefully help us all to work together as a team, provide daily updates of the current events, provide any necessary information that any volunteer or organization would need to know while on Lesvos or departure to the island. This group will also help us financially through everyone communicating on finding discounted airfares, hotels, resources on shipment of supplies, local contacts, sponsorship's, etc.


Logo for Atlantic Pacific International Rescue Boat Project
Atlantic Pacific International Rescue Boat Project started as a project between UWC Atlantic College UAL Chelsea College of Arts and Future Lab Tohoku, an NGO based in Japan. The idea was to start a lifeboat service in the tsunami effected region on the North East Coast. The Project has expanded and we are now planning a major scale charity that provides lifeboats where lifeboats are needed. We are currently working on a number of projects: A prototype lifeboat which will be sent to Japan in August 2016. We have just sent a boat to Lesbos to help with the refugee crisis and have started to construct a second boat to go in Easter. We are also developing a new concept: Lifeboat in A Box, which we will publish the progress of here.


Logo for Because We Carry
Because We Carry (BWC)
started with providing mothers on the fuge on Lesvos with baby carriers. Now we also deliver other primary aid, like food, tents and dry clothes.

Because We Carry acts according the saying ‘less talk, more action’. On Lesvos, rotating teams of volunteers act to elevate the ongoing human suffering of people arriving on their way to a safe haven. The teams help those arriving on feeble boats on the inhospitable shore, by handing out dry clothes, deliver baby carriers for the long walking journey ahead, and supply the often exhausted people with food. We also aim to bring joy, and spark some hope and respect into this further desperate context.

To make our charity on the island as lean as possible, we daily decide on which needs we are going to gain our attention and budget. We are a hands-on organization, UNCHR approved and collaborate with various parties present. Equally, Because We Carry participates in larger projects, like readying facilities for new arrivals together with Levos Winterproof. We are a foundation without overhead costs, plus our teams of volunteers provide their own sponsoring for flights and accommodation: every collected euro will go straight to its purpose.


Logo for Better Days for Moria
Better Days for Moria

This is a platform to help volunteers coordinate to improve conditions for refugees forced to camp in the olive groves whilst they await registration.

Moria is a registration point for refugees arriving on the island of Lesvos, Greece from Turkey. Due to migration patterns and registration process, Moria's population fluctuates between 0

and 8,000. The facilities of this transit camp can only cater for 1,500. Whenever the population awaiting registration swells people camp on the olive groves with no food, sanitation, shelter, etc. The situation is improving and this is the place where volunteers can coordinate to ensure that it does.


Logo for Dirty Girls of Lesvos
Dirty Girls of Lesvos - Wash It Instead

When the refugees arrive on Lesvos in unstable, overcrowded boats, they are drenched with sea water. They are given new clothes and their perfectly good, but wet clothes, are discarded and have mostly been trashed, therefore adding to the environmental problems of landfill on Lesvos. Now Dirty Girls collect the clothes and have them laundered at a commercial laundry. They are sorted and distributed so that they can be reused. Because of monetary donations, from people all over the world who want to help, we have been able to recycle many thousands of items of clothing.


Logo for Drapen i Havet (A Drop in the Ocean)
Drapen I Havet (A Drop in the Ocean)

Dråpen i Havet er en stiftelse som er blitt til etter et enormt engasjement fra mennesker over hele Norge etter initiativtaker Trudes reise til øya Lesvos.

[From their website]  The concept “A Drop in the Ocean” is to make an effort to help those who need it the most, transporting necessary equipment and hands-on action to the refugees. Founder Trude Jacobsen wanted to see for herself what was really going on, and set up a Facebook group before travelling to Lesvos in August 2015.

Since then, we have had continuous presence on the Lesvos island with coordinators and teams of volunteers from all walks of life.

From October 2015 we have also established ourselves on the island of Chios.

These islands have an enormous influx of refugees from Syria and other countries, departing the Turkish coast in tiny boats.

Periodically, we have also been able to help people in need on the island of Samos, in Athens, in Macedonia and in Turkey.


Logo for Emergency Response Centre International
Emergency Response Centre International (ERCI) - operates in Lesvos aims to assist the large flow of incoming refugees by providing its assets forSearch and Rescue (SAR) both offshore and ashore – the first critical task in such situations.
We are International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF) members to improve our SAR coordination and response and prevent accidents.


Logo for Information Point for Lesvos Volunteers
[Click on the image above for a larger map.]
Information Point for Lesvos Volunteers

Questions about volunteering on Lesvos? **READ THE PINNED POST AND FILES**
This includes links to key information, and guidelines for membership in this group.

This is a forum for discussing ways to help the refugees arriving on Lesvos, and to support the volunteer teams working there. Thank you all for your great hearts and spirits for wanting to help the refugees on their dreadful journey and welcome them with dignity to Europe.

Website - Note. This website "gives you information about ongoing and urgent tasks, goods needed, telephone numbers and much more with just a few clicks." This is the go-to site for people wanting to volunteer on Lesvos.

Logo for Lesvos Winterproof
Lesvos Winterproof
maakt kamp Moria in Lesbos klaar voor de winter. Geïnspireerd door het opzetten van grote festivals op plekken waar vrijwel niets is en het organiseren van andere evenementen, vult Lesvos Winterproof het gat op het vlak van onderdak, veiligheid, logistiek, crowdmanagement en productie. Dit doen wij met onze vrienden die net als wij werkzaam zijn in de evenementenindustrie en zo veel mogelijk


Logo for Lifeguard Hellas Save & Rescue Team
Lifeguard Hellas Save & Rescue Team
We are lifeguards...we save lives. we are the only greek lifeguard volunteer team that we operate in Lesvos daily since 7/11/2015 with our 24/7 lifeguard station in Molyvos and with shifts in Mitilini.


Logo for Pikpa Lesvos
Pikpa Lesvos
is an open refugee camp in Mytilene, Lesvos. It a self-organised, autonomous space run by volunteers and is built on the principle of solidarity. Pikpa opened three years ago and is now a growing and evolving camp in response to the dynamic nature of the refugee crisis on the island. 

WHAT & WHO? Pikpa provides refugees with shelter and hospitality but not registration. The refugees who stay at Pikpa are some of the most vulnerable: disabled, sick, pregnant and the families of victims of shipwrecks. We offer food, clothes, hygiene kits, medical assistance. We also organize activities for children, language classes and social support. 

ACTIVITIES: In collaboration with the Social Kitchen, we provide 1500-2000 meals a day and distribute them to the port or Moria; we distribute clothes and blankets to new arrivals; we monitor police violence and facilitate access to medical help at Moria camp. We also welcome boat arrivals on the Mytilene coast, ensure that refugees safely disembark and transport the most vulnerable and/or disabled to the hospital or camps. 

AIMS: We believe that no human is illegal and that borders should be open. Pikpa is the only open camp in Lesvos and it is our dream that all refugee reception centres are run in this way. Our main objective is to stand in active solidarity with the refugees and fight against the barbaric European immigration policies. We raise awareness and do advocacy work around human rights violations and any acts of humiliation, violence and attacks against refugees. We work with local people to involve them in our work in order to promote community and sustainable action. 

DONATIONS AND VOLUNTEERS: We rely on the kindness of individuals. We are in need of donations and volunteers. For clothes and food donations, please message us. Volunteers take on a number of tasks including cleaning, maintenance, food distribution, clothes organisation and distribution.


Logo for MarhaCar
MarhaCar uses volunteer drivers on Lesvos and volunteer coordinators working remotely from around the world to supply refugee camps and boat landing spots on Lesvos with needed items and emergency supplies, 24/7.

Facebook -- Community Group, Public Group

Logo for Starfish Foundation - Help for refugees in Molyvos
Starfish Foundation -- Help for refugees in Molyvos

Every day Molyvos and the rest of Lesvos (Greece) receive refugees who have escaped from their country. Starfish Foundation helps people in need.

For several years, refugees have been arriving on the shores of northern Lesvos in Greece. Local volunteers have offered assistance by handing out food and dry clothes to the

refugees.  When numbers started increasing rapidly in November this year, the relief effort grew, and locals were joined by volunteers from all over the world. As the organization grew, we founded the Starfish Foundation in October this year. The foundation doesn't only provide assistance to those people rescued by the coast guard, but also manage transit camp OXY in which people are gathered before travelling onward to the island's capital Mytilini where registration is done. Estimates suggest that over 200.000 people have received help from our volunteers.


Logo for Syrian United Refugee Fund (SURF)
Syrian United Refugee Fund (SURF) was founded by a small group of San Francisco Bay Area residents who traveled to Lesvos, Greece to donate their time as an independent volunteer initiative. Our goal is to raise money to directly assist families who seek asylum in Europe due to the European refugee crisis. Tens of thousands of people have landed on Lesvos in order to register with the European Border Control Agency. Circumstances of war and political infighting have made life even more difficult for these people who must now deal with unforgiving weather, hunger, and medical issues as they travel north through Europe. They receive no aid from any government and rely solely on the donations and efforts of volunteers whose resources are being quickly depleted.

Note. A Berkeley staff member founded SURF.


The United Kingdom

Logo for UK Action for Refugees
UK Action for Refugees
Our mission:


Last updated September 18, 2017

Please send suggestions to Dianne Walker.

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