1: The Central Questions
The Political Economy of Community
Session 2: The State of Nature--Aristotle
Session 3: Human Nature and the State of nature--Hobbes and Thucydides
Session 4: Hobbes Human Nature and creation of the The Social contract
Session 5: Do we really need a social contract to create community?
Four Views on defining the Community Principle for allocating power and wealth
Session 6: The Classical Perspective
Session 7: Fairness and Morality
Session 8: The General Will
Session 9: The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number
The Political Economy of Freedom
Session 10: Can Utilitarianism be reconciled with Liberty? Bentham and Mill
Session 11: Mill and Locke: A Utilitarian Defense of Liberty.....A Natural Rights Defense of Private Property
Session 12: Polanyi and Weber: Explaining the Rise of the Market and Capitalism
Session 13: Beth Rabinowitz Adam Smith
Session 14: Smith's Vision of Economic Justice
Session 15 Smith and Ricardo: Free Trade and Comparative Advantage
Limitations on Freedom
Session 16 Smith Moral Sentiments
Session 17 Polanyi The illusion of the self-regulating market
Session 18 What is the relationship betweet Freedom and Community, Liberalism and Conservatism? Intro to Mary Wollstonecraft
The Political Economy of Equality
Session 19 Wollstonecraft, Marx, and the Illusions of Liberalism
Session 20 Marx: Exploitation and the Contradictions of Capitalism
Session 21: Was Marx Right?
Nationalism: The New Political Economy of Community
Session 22: Marx Continued; Justice in Three Political Economies
Session 23: Nationalism
Session 24: Nationalism and Economic Nationalism
Session 25 Economic Nationalism: The American Way
Session 26 Nationalism and Imperialism
Session 27 Conclusion
Session 28 Review