News resources

Note: This page is frequently updated. It is by no means complete. These resources provide comprehensive updates.

Logo for Are You Syrious
Are You Syrious?
brings together volunteers who, from the beginning of the crisis in the region, try to ease the difficult voyage for the refugees and create more humane conditions for them. As an international citizens’ initiative, we will continue to operate on locations from Serbia to Slovenia during the refugee crisis. We have more than a hundred active and experiences volunteers and more than 3,000 donors and individuals who have recognized our efforts. 

We collaborate daily in different ways with a range of stakeholders such as riot, border and local police, large humanitarian and other non-governmental organizations and governmental institutions in the Republic of Croatia such as the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth, which provide support for our work in the field. Mrs Margit Gottstein, German State Secretary for the Ministry of Integration, Family and Children, participated in our humanitarian work in the field and in our four warehouses in Zagreb (including our sorting station with on-call volunteers receiving, sorting and shipping goods) and witnessed the quality of our work.

Note. This FB page provides daily updates on the border situations and camp conditions for all of the effected countries in Europe. A volunteer wrote about Are You Syrious on November 23, 2015: The story of "Are You Syrious" - a refugees aid organization.

Note. This FB group posts a daily digest of events, issues, and concerns about refugees in Europe and the Middle East.


Logo for Enab Baladi
Enab Baladi is a non-profit Syrian media organization, established in 2011. The group is called Enab Baladi, or “Grapes of my Country” in Arabic, and has been operating weekly since March 2011 with a single two-week interruption in late August 2012, when the Daraya massacre took place, resulting in more than 400 murders by Assad's forces, who also destroyed Enab Baladi's office.

Enab Baladi is among the most well-known free Syrian newspapers that were launched in the early months of the revolution, publishing mainly in Arabic but also in English. As such, it's a valuable resource to help the outside world understand the developments inside Syria since 2011.

Twitter (English)
Website (English)
Film explaining their book project - Citizen Chronicles of the Syrian Revolution

Logo for The Positive Refugee Project
The Positive Refugee Project
Sharing ONLY positive developments in the refugee situation.  Follow for inspiring stories on refugees and people/ projects that are working to help them.


Logo for - Dialogue with the Islamic World
The Arabic word "qantara" means "bridge". The Internet portal  represents  the concerted effort of the Bundeszent rale für politische  Bildung (Federal Center for Political Education) , Deutsche Welle, the Goethe Institut and the Institut für Auslandsbe ziehungen (Institute  for Foreign Cultural Relations)  to promote dialogue with the Islamic world. The project is funded by the German Foreign Office.


Logo for RefuComm Communication and Information for Refugees
RefuComm Communication and Information for Refugees

We founded this project as a group of volunteers who have been out in the field for the past few months in Europe. We intervened in Hungary, Serbia and Croatia, and helped at many of the camps. Without us people would not have had food, water, shelter and medical help. We have a lot of expertise and intelligence gained straight from working directly with affected refugees. 

We have been providing refugees with the basics of food, water and shelter for weeks now. We are still here, acting in Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia. The situation is finally under control. The government is organised, the refugees are moving through the Balkan corridor; assisted by our volunteers and NGO's.

Food, water and shelter are not enough. The refugees need information. They are not told anything by the police, the authorities or the NGO's. Their questions at each border are: Where am I? Which country? Where am I going? How am I getting there? How long will it take? What are the registration processes? Where will I end up? What does it mean when my fingerprints are taken? Will I end up back in Hungary? What do I do if I lose a family member? These are real concerns; they are very confused and afraid. Information is crucial. Our mission will be to provide this information - in person, online and/or on paper. 

We will also provide them with the electricity they need to charge their phones. This provides a lifeline for them an allows them to contact their families and calculate routes towards safety. Some families have been separated on the journey and desperately want to find each other. 

We will provide mobile phones with prepaid credit for those who do not have them or are moving too quickly through the camps and hotspots to charge them. We will also be able to provide intelligence for journalists, humanitarian organisations, governments, the European Union and anyone concerned with the situation in the Balkans.

RefuComm is mobile. We move through established corridors in Europe. We need funds. 

We provide essential and accurate information to refugees on exactly what the route is that they are taking, registration process, Asylum process. We also help with missing persons. We also provide mobile phone charging so they can communicate and prepaid mobile phone service. We are currently in Presovo and DImitrovgrad helping thousands of refugees. 


Logo for Refugees Deeply
Refugees Deeply
Migration and displacement are issues that define our time, but refugees are not solely a humanitarian issue. They are a development issue. They are an identity issue. They are an environmental issue. They are an innovation issue.

Refugees Deeply will systemically present the topic through the drivers, actors and events shaping this new era of migration, through a mix of original reporting, analysis and views from journalists, experts and practitioners. We will also strive to provide a platform for those experiencing displacement to tell their own stories in their own words.

Note. The website has a daily executive summary of news.


Logo for Syria Deeply
Syria Deeply
is an independent digital media project led by journalists and technologists that explores a new model of storytelling around a global crisis. Our goal is to build a better user experience of the story by adding context to content, using the latest digital tools of the day. Over time the hope is to add greater clarity, deeper understanding and more sustained engagement to the global conversation.


Logo for Women and Girls Hub
Women and Girls Hub is an independent news and information platform covering the issues that impact female populations in the developing world. Our reporters and editors are committed to telling these vitally important stories through first-class journalism that will lead to better understanding and a more sustained engagement with the biggest challenges facing women today.

Women and Girls  is produced by News Deeply, in partnership with the Gates Foundation. All editorial content is produced by our editorial team, without interference from our sponsors or external parties.

News Deeply is a media startup and social enterprise with offices in New York, San Francisco, Beirut and Hong Kong. We are a B Corp, or Benefit Corporation, with the founding mission of advancing foreign policy literacy through journalism in the public service. We receive no government funding, instead earning our revenues through a mix of sponsorship, grants and digital-design services. Our past partners include the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism and the Baker Institute at Rice University.

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Last updated April 6, 2017

Please send suggestions to Dianne Walker.

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