Berkeley research
This page provides links to reseach by Berkeley faculty and students about the refugee crisis. Links are in reverse chronological order.
- Lifelines: Syrian Womanhoods in Transition (2017). Ozlem Ezer, Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
- Moving Targets: An Analysis of Global Forced Migration - a Research Report. (July 2017) Elsadig Elsheikh and Hossein Ayazi, Global Justice Program, Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society.
- A Pivotal Moment for the US Refugee Resettlement Program - a Research Brief. (June 2017) Keith Welch, Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society.
- “Missing in History”: An interview with Prof. Khatarya Um on Critical Migration and Refugee Studies. (February 1, 2017) Center for Race & Gender, Faultlines newsletter.
- Archipelagos of Settlement: Vietnamese Refugee Diaspora in Guam and Israel-Palestine. (2017) Evyn Lê Espiritu, Rhetoric.
- Afghan refugees approach gender in America with distress and resilience. (2016) Aida Shirazi, Public Health, and many other researchers (noted in this article).
- Refugee Crisis. (Spring 2016) Eric Hagen, Rob Kuvinka, and Reema Naqvi, School for Information Studies. "The goal of our project was to present information about the ‘Refugee Crisis’ that has been featured prominently in Western news media over the last half decade. We wanted to present information that would educate someone unfamiliar with the crisis. The goal for this user would be that once they had completed our narrative and visual walkthrough covering major trends, the user would have an understanding of where these refugees were coming from and to which countries they were commonly going to in order to seek asylum."
- Violent Conflict and Mental Health Needs of Syrian Refugees in Jordanian Host Communities. (2016+) Niveen Rizkalla, Social Welfare.
- Moral Leadership or Moral Hazard? Germany's Response to the Refugee Crisis and its Impact on European Solidarity. (2016) Beverly Crawford, Center for German and European Studies.
- Examining US Refugees' Economic Conditions to Improve Resettlement Programs. (2016) Rami Arafah, Social Welfare.
- Though the World Leader in Refugee Resettlement, the US Still Falls Short. (June 20, 2016) Elsa Augustine, Public Policy.
- An Analysis Into the Typical Years in a Refugee Camp. (Summer 2016) Angela Lin, Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships.
- Predicting Economic Incorporation Among Newly Resettled Refugees in the United States: A Micro-Level Statistical Analysis. (Spring 2016) Rami Arafah, Social Welfare.
- Regional refugee protection in comparative perspective: Lessons learned from the Asia-Pacific, the Americas, Africa, and Europe. (November 13, 2015) Kate Jastram, The Blum Center for Developing Economies and Law. A Policy Brief prepared for the University of New South Wales, Australia's Andrew & Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law.
- Southeast Asian Migration: People on the Move in Search of Work, Refuge and Belonging. (2015) Khatarya Um, Department of Ethnic Studies.
- How People Think About Immigration. (August 3, 2015) Contact Jack Citrin, Political Science and the Institute of Governmental Studies. [This is an article about the research. The paper, linked to in this article, is behind a paywall.]
- Redefining Success: Refugee Education and Oakland International High School. (April 2014) Katie Schiff, International and Area Studies.
- Syrian women in Jordanian refugee camps. (2014-present) Niveen Rizkalla, Mack Center on Mental Health and Social Conflict, Social Welfare.
- CENTRAL AMERICA: Migrants or Refugees? (Fall 2014) Angela E. Fillingim, Sociology.
- Identity at the Fringes of Citizenship: Experiences of Afghan Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Turkey. (Summer 2013) Kamyar Jarahzadeh, Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships.
- Safe Haven: Sheltering Displaced Persons from Sexual and Gender-Based Violence. (May 2013) Kim Thuy Seelinger and Julie Freccero, with research support from Anna Stout, Sexual Violence Program, Human Rights Center, Law.
- Community-based study seeks to break barriers to cancer screening among Afghan immigrant women (December 7, 2012) Joan Bloom, Mehra Shirazi, Aida Shirazi, and Rona Popal, Public Health. [Published in Psycho-Oncology, which is behind a paywall.]
- Syria, the United Nations, and the Responsibility to Protect. (2012) Saira Mohamed, Law.
- Human Rights: Refuge from Femicide: Facing Gendered Violence in Guatemala. (April 8, 2010) Karen Musalo, Center for Gender and Refugee Studies, UC Hastings College of Law, and Anthony Fontes, Geography.
- Let survive the Khmer People: Khmer Transnational Activism and Survial in the Diaspora. (Summer 2008) Jude Paul Dizon, Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships.
- The Struggle for the Protection of the Rights of Refugees and IDPs in Africa: Making the Existing International Law Regime Work. (2000) Zachary A. Lomo, Law.
Last updated August 26, 2017
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